Minutes of the forward endcap EMC meeting, 28th of August 2023, 14:00 - 14:45
Upcoming COSY extra beamtime (September 11-15th):
CBM/Hades will take over COSY beam on Monday, 15th of September
All shifts filled after 16th of September can be deleted (people should rather fill gaps in the schedule up to 16th)
As we will measure without beam pipe (~10 m of air in front of target) air/target interaction ratio is about 20:80
Inspite of that we decided to better not further increase the current target thickness of already 4 cm in order to prevent increase in photon prescattering inside the target
Lukas' code he used for the estimations stated in the COSY beamtime proposal does not include propagation of particles to target through air. One could, however, alter the target-detector distance in order to check how the acceptance of the COSY setup (almost only inner submodules mounted) changes and hence how the kinematical acceptance will change the ratio given above
Olaf Felden is informed about the nitrogen need, double check whether this is okay as there was no reply up to now
Uranin powder arrived, tested with methanol-water mixture: Cooling liquid in Juelich setup will be colored that way
Water damaged power supplies, backplane PCBs in Bonn, repairable, repaired? Bonn colleagues will bring back to Juelich what could be repaired or still was okay.
Lukas finished copying of data from Bonn-DAQ-Computer in Juelich
Jan will exchange the hard disks in the DAQ system (bring current ones to Bonn, install empty ones for next beam time)