Minutes of the forward endcap EMC meeting, 3rd of April 2023, 14:00 - 15:10

SADC crates

  • Pawel has submitted the new backplane for production. Will take not more than two months. Exact date not yet known.
  • Power supplies for the SADCs will be sent to Bochum
  • More SADCs ~30 will be sent to Bochum, eventually all are needed at Bochum.

Rack positions

  • To produce low voltage cables, the rack positions at COSY will have to fixed. This will be done next week at COSY (Claudius, Christoph).
  • We have two racks. Once DCS ist tested they will be shipped to COSY (in about 4-6 weeks).
  • Size of the racks (width, depth, height)
    • Double rack: 110 cm x 60 cm x 160 cm (4 ISEG crates of which 1,5 are for VPTT, 2 Wiener PL512, ISEG for LP, uTCA for data concentrator)
    • Single rack: 80 cm x 83 cm x 202 cm (4 ISEG crates, of which 1,5 are for VPTT, 2 Wiener PL512)

Power cables

  • Claudius will bring next week 6 mm2 LV cable to COSY for Bonn (~300 m).
  • Thin cables from each alveole will be combined to one 6 mm2 cable.
  • Two option: go directly with these cables to the Wiener LV or combine them via power bars at the edge of the endcap and continue with 32 mm2 cable (available @Bonn).
  • There will be about 3 * 40 6 mm2 cables in total. The ones covering VPTTs are about 3*21. --> picture from Celina.

LP fibres

  • shrinking tubes will be tested and prepared in Bochum
  • Question: leave extral length of cables to dismount submodules or remove fibre plug in situ (complicated)

APD modules

  • 6 APD modules to be mounted 2 rows in 3 columns at the bottom center below the VPTTs
  • Tobias H. will check, what needs to repaired for the 6th module
  • The HV boards for the APD modules can be controlled by CANbus ore serial interface.
    • solution for serial interface within EPICS available at Bonn
    • solution for CANbus to be checked with Tobias T.

Overview for mounting and cabling

  • Meike will prepare a table with all connections and feed throughs for the
    • SADC signal cables
    • HV cables
    • LV preamp cables
    • light fibres * This table is needed for the DCS and may help during mounting


  • Please put all your information on cabling, HV setting and so on into the nextcloud (if it is not in the data base)
  • Next meeting in 2 weeks

-- FritzHerbertHeinsius - 2023-04-03
Topic revision: r1 - 2023-04-03, FritzHerbertHeinsius
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