Minutes of the Forward Endcap EMC Big Blue Button Meeting, 21st of March 2022, 14:00-15:15

FWEC Cabling:

  • Vinee's presentation given two weeks ago is fine with Claudius too (who was absent on the last meeting)
  • A layer-wise cable gluing into the electronics frame cutouts should work even if cables need to be put through cutouts prior to glueing because of bulky connectors already installed to cable ends during installation
  • Bonn will run out of submodules to be tested in their cosmics test stands soon
  • In Bochum currently 6 submodules prepared for shipping, however, we would like to test them at FWEC operating temperatures with the new climate chamber test stand first
  • Need to see how fast air conditioning in Bonn lab takes to be repaired until we decide to maybe ship submodules without low temperature checking in order to prevent Bonn test stands from becoming orphaned
  • Vinee and Christian will come to Bochum for a further cabling test (was on March 28th)


  • Christian presented some more numbers on dimension checking of finished and for insert-to-alveole-glueing prepared submodules
  • 8-Xtal units seem to be generally more prone to "sagging" than 16-Xtal units. Some may only be put to proper shape by swapping orientation (upside down).
  • We decided to do so in cases where the deviation from intended sagging would otherwise be too high. Need to guarantee proper bookkeeping and need to accept that temperature sensor distribution would slightly go out of scheme.
  • Tobias S. mentioned a possible 2nd case of submodule production sheet mix-up in an early production step (need to check 3 candidates...)

-- ThomasHeld - 04 Apr 2022
Topic revision: r1 - 2022-04-04, ThomasHeld
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