Minutes of the Forward Endcap EMC Big Blue Button Meeting, 21st of February 2022, 14:00-15:15

FWEC Cabling:

  • Vinee presented some ideas how to route cables at the positions where HV boards basically block the feed-throughs in the electronics ring (done at the Bonn backplane mockup using 3D printed electronics frame pieces)
  • The installation was presented in sequences (Claudius as expert could not join the meeting and will review the procedure later on - in the meantime he did and has no objections)
  • We decided on the need for test glueing for vertically and horizontally orientated electronics frame parts, respectively


  • Dedicated DAQ meeting with Greg, Fritz-Herbert, and Lukas in three weeks
  • The question arose whether to use SODA or not for the Forward Endcap test beam times at Juelich
  • Aurora may be an alternative to SODA
  • Do we necessarily need the possibility of SADC crate backplane read out or not?
  • Do we generally need to give up the plan to have the Forward Endcap running as (close as) later on in PANDA at FAIR (from the DAQ point of view)?

-- ThomasHeld - 21 Mar 2022
Topic revision: r1 - 2022-03-21, ThomasHeld
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