Minutes of the Forward Endcap EMC Vibe/eZuce meeting, 15th of November 2021, 14:00-15:15
FWEC Construction:
In conjunction with the Bonn submodule dimension measurements Christian asked about deformation estimations of the forward endcap backplane, need to look up old plots from KVI
In order to check for collisions we will measure the free space inside the cold volume (backplane to front lid distance). There may or may not be need for a remachining of interface pieces of submodules sitting behind the front lid cooling lines.
For thermal expansion estimations the aluminum type of the backplane and stiffener ring has been looked up to be Al5083.
SADC Crate Power Supplies:
All SADC PCBs intended for cooling tests with the 3x15 SADC crate are fully inclosed in the respective aluminum cooling shells (with termal coupling pads in between)
Missing is still the backplane PCBs power supplies: Instead of going for a temporarily solution for the power tests (and maybe Juelich) Pawel spent time on the development of the final version
Delivery therefore is somewhat delayed but should be fine for the cooling tests carried out by Sven within his master thesis