Minutes of the Forward Endcap EMC Vibe/eZuce meeting, 20th of September 2021, 14:00-15:15


  • Forward endcap backlid redone by laser welding company, very good result, maybe front lid also redone (problems: 0.8 mm aluminum, stiffener frame already glued to old front lid - removable?)
  • Transportation insurance for ISEG module shipment to Radeberg available, Tobias will deliver the HV modules to ISEG

HV Boards:

  • Next Revision of Bonn HV boards is foressen to be irradiated at Strahlenzentrum Giessen (however, currently problems with control electronics at the Strahlenzentrum)
  • Coating for HV board (moisture insulation of components) by UV-ray curing "Dimax multicure adhesive"?
  • For the final version of the HV board we need to decide whether FET or BJT circuit seems to better suit our needs (different long term irradiation effects)
  • Latest fluence/dose considerations show a stable ADC operation period of twice the PANDA lifetime

Submodule Production:

  • Christoph will transport the next submodules (5 to Bonn, 5 for repair back to Bochum) when coming to Bochum with Vinee for cable length determination
  • 5 submodules accidently delivered to Juelich will be brought back to Bochum on Sept. 29th by Claudius et. al.

SADC Crates:

  • 6- and 15-SADC crate aluminum parts now available
  • Backplane PCB pilot prodution agreed between Uppsala and Bochum (10.5 kEUR w/o power supplies), all backplanes, power supplies and controllers will add up to 60...70 kEUR
  • For (preliminary) power supplies to operate the crates in cooling tests 3 kEUR more is needed

-- ThomasHeld - 04 Oct 2021
Topic revision: r1 - 2021-10-04, ThomasHeld
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