Minutes of the Forward Endcap EMC Vibe/eZuce meeting, 23rd of August 2021, 14:00-14:45

Submodule Logistics:

  • Currently a lack of calibrated temperature sensors prevents submodules from being completed - calibration setup needs to be modified (in progress)
  • The front lid outer sealing is installed and the PU-compung currently curing (lid to be taken off Wednesday)
  • The five submodules accidentally delivered to Juelich will be returned to Bochum by Claudius once we have entry badges (issuing in progress)
  • Christoph brought up the question when to start glueing the inserts to the carbon alveloes for the APD submodules (the VPTT submodules are almost finished) - repair of submodules will become seriously harder when glued

HV Cable Patch Panels:

  • Christoph presented several ideas of how to arrange HV plug/distribution boxes in the racks on the PANDA detector


  • SADCs from Uppsala arrived
  • Test of 6- and 15-unit crates as well as daisy-chaining of cooling circuits in preparation

-- ThomasHeld - 23 Aug 2021
Topic revision: r2 - 2021-09-01, ThomasHeld
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