Minutes of the Forward Endcap EMC Vibe/eZuce meeting, 17th of May 2021, 14:00-15:00

Submodule Logistics:

  • Claudius will go to BN/Jülich on Thursday (20th) - in the meantime it turned out that on that day there was beam in the TOF hall, so Claudius could not work as expected - a next travel is planned
  • Bonn needs additional handles in order to keep up logistics

Submodule Logistics:

  • Improvements made to the production scheme in order to prevent mix ups of APD and/or preamp positions, cabling etc.:
    • 2-channel HV supply in unit test stand
    • Color coding of APDs (corner on ceramic frame) that allows identification of position after gluing to capsule


  • Claudius will ask for an offer about a new one-piece 1.5 mm back lid (first reply of non-existing offer anymore - trying to find out why)
  • Christoph and Vinee will come for a final caling session to Bochum soon - it would be useful to have one of the backplate fixation screws available that are currently stored in Jülich

Safety Assessment:

  • Safety assessment sheets for all subsystems due June Meeting (extended to end of year as stated on TEC meeting on 28th of May)
  • Sheet for Forward Endcap in preparation (will be made available as template for Barrel and BWEC - done in the meantime)
-- ThomasHeld - 31 May 2021
Topic revision: r1 - 2021-05-31, ThomasHeld
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