For the upcoming restart of submodule shipment to Bonn we discussed the insurance situation:
Insurance duration is default 1.5 years, independent from actual number of modules shipped in total
Insurance rate only depending on number of submodules shipped at once (which was and is 5 pieces)
Shipment to Jülich still to be clarified: From organizatorial point of view shipment in 30 piece batches desirable
Extension of Bochum to Bonn delivery of finished submodules to Bonn to Jülich delivery of cosmics tested submodules covered by insurance but person power consuming (unpacking in Jülich)
Currently one free shelf is ready to store 50-60 APD submodules in Bonn (besides the 50+ VPTT submodules already there)
Storage in Jülich TOF hall shelves is available
Glueing of inserts in VPTT submoduels in Bonn is going on
Submodule Manufacturing:
Bonn needs APD voltages for the five submodules picked up by Christoph some weeks ago
Implementaion of schema to retrieve all voltages per submodule (done, Tobias), automated procedure to read screening data into data base
APD Screening:
Still enough APDs available for irradiation even though the remaining ones need to be picked up from GSI once Corona related situation allows