Minutes of the forward endcap EMC Vibe/eZuce meeting, 18th of November 2019, 14:00-15:00
Basel: -
Bochum: Tom, Jan R., Matthias, Tobias H., Claudius, Fritz-Herbert
Bonn: Christoph, Ulrike
Groningen: Myroslav
Stockholm: -
Uppsala: Pawel (recording)
Giessen: Markus
GSI: -
We decided to build two more APD submodules in order to test noise introduction via the annealing LED cabling also in Bochum setups
Christoph will send around the correct HV supply redundance considering APD locating scheme
Irradiation of HV regulation boards in GI:
Radiation induced address change of I2C device observed (once)
ADCs seem to change initially but remain stable afterwards
Current consumption rise on 5 V rail during irradiation, origin not yet clear - rate effect? Expose board to a tenth of the current dose in a second irradiation run
There was (again) some confusion and discussion about radiation doses
37 Gy is anticipated being the full PANDA APD lifetime dose, so this order of magnitude may also be a suitable dose considered for the HV regulation electronics located even further behind the backplate
ADC problems start between 30 Gy and 300 Gy dose, so a 10 times safety margin for irradiation cannot be met
There is the plan to also expose components to neutron radiation by addind them to the light pulser/THMP components irradiation test setup (Mario, Vincent)