Minutes of the forward endcap EMC eZuce SRN meeting, 15st of July 2019, 14:00-14:40


  • Basel: -
  • Bochum: Matthias, Miriam, Tobias H., Claudius, Jan R., Malte
  • Bonn: Christoph, Ulrike
  • Groningen: -
  • Stockholm: -
  • Uppsala: -
  • Giessen: -
  • GSI: -


  • Bochum reported from the visit of the technical coordinators last wednesday. Everything went well so far, we prepared talks and showed all equipment for APD screening and preparation for APD submodule assembly.

Cabling of submodules:

  • Cabling tests with a final patch panel pcb, final set of signal cables and dummy SADC crates mounted to the real FE frame/backplate helped to identify that all signal cables were planned a little longer than necessary. We decided to remove a previously introduced safety margin of 10cm for all signal cables.
  • Currently multiple SADC crate dummies (large and small crates) are being 3d-printed in Bochum to perform an even more realistic mounting/cabling test and to enable individual fine tuning of the lengths of all signal cable bundles
  • open issue: cooling tests of large SADC crates (Attention: according to CAD drawings, only one cooling plate is foreseen inbetween two adjacent large SADC crates. It should be remembered to perform cooling tests with the corresponding thermal load of both connected crates!)

APD submodule production:

  • Bochum reported that the first 16 APD-crystal units were glued last wednesday. We will proceed to test the units after curing and assemble the first 16-crystal APD submodule by the end of this week.
  • This first unit and possibly a second one, could be transported to Bonn on 26. July, when we will inspect the pneumatic manipulator arm at Juelich.
  • Request from Bonn: We need to extend our APD-Submodule checklists with a list of the bias voltages for M=200 @ -25C (necessary for tests in Bonn). We will provide these values with the first unit.
  • Connected to submodule production: Mass production of temperature sensors has been re-started at Bochum, calibrations etc. are ongoing.
-- MalteAlbrecht - 15 Jul 2019
Topic revision: r1 - 2019-07-16, MalteAlbrecht
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