Miriam will make a trip to Bonn on Thurday to perform THMP measurements with the Bonn setup
She will bring the last two repaired VPTT submodules and styrofoam boxes for (some of) the crystals still in Bonn
She will carry the 'Hot Cutter' machine, the 8-Mountplates, ~360 stripped signal coax cables, drilled capsules (all of them except for 800 still to be machined)
SADC Crate Design:
KVI (Rick) is still able to do (re)design work on the crates
A current design change to allow for mounting of the backplane PCB is in progress
A backplane PCB will be given to KVI by Pawel and the crate design refined accordingly
Currently no third party needs to overtake work on the design, however, workshops in Bochum/Bonn may help if necessary to manufacture parts
The cooling sidewalls are probably subject to redesign
Last Week's Juelich Beam Time:
There was one week of beam time in Juelich last week to test the commen readout of STT and EMC components with TRBs, data concentrators
EMC crystal readout divided into separate SADCs and data concetrators to check the combination
Synchronization of all ADCs worked as expected
Myroslav showed several plots of a first look into the data taken
A timing resolution of 1.7 ns could be achieved
APD Screening:
The upgrade of the irradiation at Strahlenzentrum Giessen to the new designed irradiation/shipping PCBs will be finished soon
The 50 paired APDs for a new Barrel EMC prototype will be sent end of this week by Bochum colleagues