Minutes of the forward endcap EMC eZuce SRN meeting, 25th of February 2019, 14:00-14:45


  • Basel: -
  • Bochum: Fritz-Herbert, Claudius, Malte, Matthias, Miriam, Thorsten, Tobias H., Tobias T., Tom
  • Bonn: Christoph
  • Groningen: Myroslav
  • Stockholm: -
  • Uppsala: -
  • Giessen: Markus, Simon,
  • GSI: -

Bonn-Bochum Parts Exchange:

  • Miriam will make a trip to Bonn on Thurday to perform THMP measurements with the Bonn setup
  • She will bring the last two repaired VPTT submodules and styrofoam boxes for (some of) the crystals still in Bonn
  • She will carry the 'Hot Cutter' machine, the 8-Mountplates, ~360 stripped signal coax cables, drilled capsules (all of them except for 800 still to be machined)

SADC Crate Design:

  • KVI (Rick) is still able to do (re)design work on the crates
  • A current design change to allow for mounting of the backplane PCB is in progress
  • A backplane PCB will be given to KVI by Pawel and the crate design refined accordingly
  • Currently no third party needs to overtake work on the design, however, workshops in Bochum/Bonn may help if necessary to manufacture parts
  • The cooling sidewalls are probably subject to redesign

Last Week's Juelich Beam Time:

  • There was one week of beam time in Juelich last week to test the commen readout of STT and EMC components with TRBs, data concentrators
  • EMC crystal readout divided into separate SADCs and data concetrators to check the combination
  • Synchronization of all ADCs worked as expected
  • Myroslav showed several plots of a first look into the data taken
  • A timing resolution of 1.7 ns could be achieved

APD Screening:

  • The upgrade of the irradiation at Strahlenzentrum Giessen to the new designed irradiation/shipping PCBs will be finished soon
  • The 50 paired APDs for a new Barrel EMC prototype will be sent end of this week by Bochum colleagues
  • APD pickup at GSI is planned for Friday this week

-- ThomasHeld - 25 Feb 2019
Topic revision: r1 - 2019-02-25, ThomasHeld
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