Minutes of the forward endcap EMC eZuce SRN meeting, 11th of February 2019, 14:00-14:20
Basel: -
Bochum: Fritz-Herbert, Claudius, Tom
Bonn: Christoph
Groningen: -
Stockholm: -
Uppsala: Pawel
Giessen: Markus, Simon
GSI: -
APD Submodule Production:
Remaining (long) ground straps for the submodule corner positions to be ordered by Christoph (250 pieces, 26 cm long - to be cut in half)
New soax signal cables in the process of stripping in Bonn
8-crystal submodule mountplates finished (additional threaded 4 mm drill for grounding pin)
Annealing LED holes in the capsules currently drilled by Bonn mechanics workshop
The remaining submodule containing crystals for the APD equipped forward endcap submodules was dismantled for exhibition purposes, crystals habe been cleaned from Elastosil, unit will be reassebled with APD readout units not coupled to crystals
Exchange of material end of next week or the week after
SADC crates:
KVI possibilities to further contribute to finishing SADC crate design not clear (the same accounts for KVI work on FEE/DAQ)
SADC crate space bounderies behing backplane PCB will be given to Pawel (even "fraction of mm" count)
Irradiation of SADC crate power supplies foreseen at KVI, however, currently unclear when/if at all
APDs still located at GSI:
No new appointment for APD pickup by Giessen colleagues given by Andrea