Minutes of the forward endcap EMC eZuce SRN meeting, 28th of January 2019, 14:00-14:30


  • Basel: -
  • Bochum: Fritz-Herbert, Malte, Matthias, Miriram, Tobias T., Tom
  • Bonn: Christoph
  • Groningen: -
  • Stockholm: -
  • Uppsala: Pawel
  • Giessen: Markus
  • GSI: -

APD Submodule Production:

  • In preparation of the APD submodule manufacturing there was some exchange of material between Bonn and Bochum:
  1. Capsules and 8-mountplates were delivered for drilling at Bonn mechanics workshop
  2. 47 crystals have been identified to be in Bonn, except for 16 in a submodule Christoph still needs for testing the remaining ones have been brought back to Bochum
  • The colored nylon tubes used to bundle cables on the submodules have been determined to be 1 cm shorter than the ones used in the VPTT submodules
  • APD screnning: Andrea will give a date for APD pickup at GSI (Markus)
  • Giessen needs something between 9 and 25 pairs of APDs for a test unit for the upcoming Mainz beamtimes

SADC crates:

  • Pawel pointed out that for the final design of the SADC backplane PCB he needs to know what exactly the space behind the backplate looks like/is available
  • Manufacturing and covering of the costs will be done by BO/BN but final design of the crates which in turn depends on the exact layout of the backplane PCB is currently in the hands of KVI -> will this last?

-- ThomasHeld - 08 Feb 2019
Topic revision: r1 - 2019-02-08, ThomasHeld
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