Minutes of the forward endcap EMC eZuce SRN meeting, 2nd of July 2018, 14:00-15:00


  • Basel: -
  • Bochum: Cathrina, Jan, Malte, Matthias, Miriam, Tobias T., Tom
  • Bonn: Christoph, Ulrike
  • Groningen: -
  • Stockholm: -
  • Uppsala: Pawel
  • Giessen: Hans, Markus
  • GSI: -

VPTT Submodule Production:

  • Submodule production is ongoing with high throughput (4-5 submodules per week)
  • Two more damaged VPTTs: one tube with loose dynode grid (2nd time this occurs), one tube with damaged pumping port (loss of vacuum)
  • For replacing the damaged tubes we decided to not force a new matching with the current constraints but to replace with reasonably close measuring tubes (gain, skb, gain change with HV)
  • A list of measured tube gain changes as a function of the high voltage applied will be prepared by Christoph within this week
  • 1st regular delivery day is August 28th: 5 boxes (5 submodules) will be shipped to Bonn by the Bochum University "Fahrdienst", an appropriate transportation insurance is contrated (also covering transportation from Bonn to Juelich)
  • Transportation to Juelich has to be worked out in detail; a transport of cosmics tested units from BN to JUL on the same day as delivery of new build units from BO to BN is obvious. However, delivery to a radiation controlled area on a secured research center site is probably some more complicated...
  • We will discuss this at an onsite meeting in Juelich where also the submodule storage situation in the TOF hall will be clarified

SADC Crates: Signal Cable Connection

  • A design of the signal cable connection to the SADC crate backplane was presented by Christoph
  • Pawel mentioned, the design has to be adopted to the crate 'rail' design of leading and supporting the cable-to-plug pcb (extension of pcb on top and bottom)

APD HV Regulation:

  • Christoph presented different pattern of HV distribution within one submodule and its implications in case of a HV input failure (corresponding to 8 regualted channels)
  • Would a continues failing region or several spots of single APD failures to be preferred?
  • We saw no real reason to decide for a specific schema. Hans mentioned the low probability of such a total HV input failure or the need of swiching off the input.
  • Staying with the one pattern already worked out by Christoph would save any further man power on this topic

APD Screening:

  • A first batch of screened APDs was sent to Giessen
  • Irradiation may occur this week as long as the radiation officer in the Strahlenzentrum is available

-- ThomasHeld - 15 Aug 2018
Topic revision: r1 - 2018-08-16, ThomasHeld
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