Minutes of the forward endcap EMC eZuce SRN meeting, 18th of June 2018, 14:00-14:30


  • Basel: -
  • Bochum: Cathrina, Claudius, Matthias, Miriam, Tobias H., Tobias T., Tom
  • Bonn: Christoph, Merlin, Ulrike
  • Groningen: Myroslav
  • Stockholm: -
  • Uppsala: - Pawel
  • Giessen: -
  • GSI: -


  • Myroslav and Pawel are irradiating SADCs with protons at KVI and asked for the fluence used during irradiation of THMP and light pulser components in the past
  • (Fluence and dose values looked up and given later that day via email)
  • Myroslav asked for grounding issues: The SADC crate frames should be connected to ground for shielding reasons, the forward endcap frame, galvanically connected to the magnet, should not sit on common signal ground, so the crates must be suspended electrically isolated

VPTT submodules:

  • The new units manufactured and measured change the conversion factor for the indirect preamp gain determination by only about 1%
  • Hence the latest matching schema is still valid and we will go on with series submodule production accordingly
  • If it turns out that the VPTT capsule rejection ratio will not decrease we have to order some more capusles in time

-- ThomasHeld - 19 Jun 2018
Topic revision: r1 - 2018-06-19, ThomasHeld
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