Minutes of the forward endcap EMC eZuce SRN meeting, 9th of April 2018, 14:00-15:00


  • Basel: Werner
  • Bochum: Cathrina, Claudius, Malte, Matthias, Miriam, Tobias H., Tom
  • Bonn: Christoph, Merlin
  • Groningen: -
  • Stockholm: -
  • Uppsala: - Pawel
  • Giessen: Hans, Markus
  • GSI: -

APD preamp cabling:

  • Christoph reported about the need for shorter cables (HV and signal) for the APD preamp wiring (compared to the cabling for VPTT preamps)
  • News about the response distribution in the latest 16-crystal submodule earliest available at the end of the week

Data Concentrators:

  • Pawel gave some overview of the work on the dataconcentartors build around Kintex UltraScale + FPGAs

SADC crates:

  • Pawel presemted CAD drawings of the SADC crates, especially the backplane region
  • There are two power supplies at the outer sides of the backplane in order to thermally connect to the crate cooling
  • Currently the CAD drawings show existing power supplies as developed in Uppsala, they may be replaced by ones specifically designed for our needs
  • Even the possible usage of CERNs rad-hard, B-Field compatible operation Feast power supplies was discussed:
    • Operation seems to be restricted to 11 V max. input, 5 V max. output, what would not satisfy our needs of 12 V supplied
    • However, Hans stated that the supplies are used to power MVD prototypes with higher voltages

-- ThomasHeld - 23 Apr 2018
Topic revision: r2 - 2018-04-27, ThomasHeld
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