There was a discussion how to proceed in the vptt submodule restart of production
Now, that the preamps gain of the already glued units is indirectly determined we should check whether the new component assignment leads to the neccessary and expected homogeneity in response within a submodule
We there fore should wait for the latest optimization from Bonn and start with a subunit containg both dircetly and indirectly determined preamp gains and see if the result is as satisfying
We need a solution for regular transportation of submodules from Bochum to Bonn
SADC Crate Backplane:
There was a discussion where on the backplane pcb to place which connectors and the power supply
Pawel explained, that an SFP connector and/or a versatile link would be desirable to have on the backplane pcb
To what extend will the power supplies reach in the direction perpendicular to the backplane?
APD irradiation:
The APDs that have been screened for the preparation of the PRR II meeting arrived in Giessen for a second irradiation session for diagnostics