Minutes of the forward endcap EMC eZuce SRN meeting, 14th of August 2017, 14:00-14:30
Basel: Werner
Bochum: Cathrina, Claudius, Malte, Matthias, Miriam, Tom
Bonn: Merlin
Groningen: -
Stockholm: -
Uppsala: Pawel
Giessen: -
GSI: -
Werner mentioned the tolerance of the gain determining capcitors in all three gain versions (0.5, 0.6, and 0.7 pF nominal capcitance) to be +/- 0.05 pF.
However, from Maltes measurements obviously the medium gain range with the 0.6 pF capcitors shows clearly larger variation than +/- 10% and larger ones than the other gain versions
We therefore need the individual preamp gains for matching, either from the Basel measurements (availability, precision?) or from new measurements to be done by ourselves
Annealing LEDs in APD subunits:
Tests with different cabling arrangements done and quite promising
Detailed results will be given in two weeks
Test setup for incoming SADC boards almost finished
Problems with the power supply solved
It seems that data transmission may be movable from SADC board to backplane (interesting for barrel and backward endcap):