Minutes of the forward endcap EMC eZuce SRN meeting, 8th of May 2017, 14:00-15:00


  • Basel: Werner
  • Bochum: Fritz-Herbert, Matthias, Tobias T.
  • Bonn: Christoph
  • Groningen: Myroslav
  • Stockholm: -
  • Uppsala: Pawel
  • Giessen: Hans, Markus
  • GSI: -

I2C bus cabling

  • Christoph: Plans to use Bedea cable for I2C bus. Problem: How to solder? Hans: A tool to fix the wires to support soldering is in development at Giessen.
  • Alternative solution is to use differential non-shielded cables. The noise on the analog parts is being questioned.
  • Places are needed within the endcap to put the network adapters.
  • The serial adapter prototype ASIC works. It is planned to put it on a PCB in an open package and bond it. There will be 4-5 chips put into a package and bonded at Bonn.
  • Money for the ASIC is in the BMBF application, but it is unclear when it will be available.

Recovery LED cabling

  • For the recovery LED cables it was decided to put a 2.54 mm pitch connector on the PCB. (VPTT alveoli).

HV system

  • Paper work to export the HV modules/crates from Basel to Germany is being prepared (with FAIR). The HV should be delivered to Bochum.

SADCs crates

  • Cooling tests are to be done at KVI-CART before the PANDA meeting.
  • For the backplane design Pawel needs more input: Type of cable connectors, cable routing, space and number of SADCs etc..
  • The power supplies will be designed by Pawel. Questions arise about the radiation hardness of to be tested at KVI? The high current design is not simple. Possibility to provide 6 separate power supplies using the MVD rad hard DC/DC converters. But this is not much easier.

SADC status

  • Pawel: A 250 MHZ version is shipped for Giessen/BESIII.
  • There is an open position for an engineer to program the SADC test station.
  • 1 SADC unit for tests shipped today to Uppsala. In 3 month a decision is to be taken, if this unit is ok . Then 50 more will be produced in September. Last SADC modules are delivered in March 2018.

Concentrator status

  • Pawel is looking at different parts. Once an inventory is done Myroslav will call for a meeting to collect the design requirements from other PANDA subsystems.

APD status

  • There is a discussion ongoing between Markus and Andrea concerning the irradiation setup/procedure. To start the irradiation the reference grid can be put in one of the existing positions. Currently there are no APDs at Giessen, which are to be irradiated.
-- FritzHerbertHeinsius - 10 May 2017
Topic revision: r2 - 2017-05-10, FritzHerbertHeinsius
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