Minutes of the forward endcap EMC eZuce SRN meeting, 27th of March 2017, 14:00-15:15


  • Basel: Werner
  • Bochum: Cathrina, Claudius, Fritz-Herbert, Matthias, Malte, Tobias T.
  • Bonn: Christoph, Matthias, Merlin, Ulrike
  • Groningen: Myroslav
  • Stochholm: -
  • Uppsala: Pawel
  • Giessen: Hans, Valera
  • GSI: -

VPTT matching

  • There were missing crystals in the list for the matching.
  • There are several crystals in the Giessen database, which are rejected e.g. no light yield etc., and are thus not in the list for matching
  • There are 6 boxes in Bochum, which are not yet checked. Claudius will sent a list to Bonn with the checked boxes tonight.
  • Some crystals are in use for annealing tests, other are still mounted in the proto192.
  • A list of the crystals and VPTTs for assembly of the first to alveoli is urgently needed.

VPTT delivery

  • 724 VPTT are in Bochum. Two boxes (3,4) are still in Bonn and have to transported to Bochum

VPTT preamplifier

  • Werner: One should be careful not to mixup the new preamplifiers with previous one. Serial number have been provided on delivery sheets.

SADC production

  • Pawel: SADC production batch is started. 1-2 pcs. will be received for testing. Delivery will be in batches of 50 per month with the last delivery expected in March 2018.
  • A test platform for the SADC is being implemented at Uppsala. It will check channel by channel, missing codes, links and so on.
  • For the shaper the 2nd longest time was chosen. For production it has to be checked that the single ended version input is done.
  • Myroslav/Pawel: Need waveforms after shaper from Malte.
  • Discussion evolved about a change of the SFP design. Pawel will contact Daniela Calvo to get a Versatile link prototype. An upgrade of the SADC to the versatile link is in principle possible, once we have high luminosity at PANDA.

SADC backplane

  • The design is to be done by Pawel.
  • Requirements have to be compiled (Myroslav: SADC crate dimensions, Claudius: Cabling requirements)
  • Myroslav: The triple redundancy in the FPGA is not needed anymore. Therefore pileup rejection can be done in the FPGA. Thus higher rates are possible and there is no high requirement on combining high/low rate alveoli.

Common crystal database

  • There exist different tables of the crystals (Giessen database, Bochum database, Claudius list, Bonn list?). An effort will be done to combine the information and put it in the Bochum database.

-- FritzHerbertHeinsius - 27 Mar 2017
Topic revision: r1 - 2017-03-27, FritzHerbertHeinsius
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