Minutes of the forward endcap EMC eZuce SRN meeting, 27th of February 2017, 14:00-15:15
Basel: excused
Bochum: Cathrina, Claudius, Matthias, Malte, Miriam, Tom, Tobias T.
Bonn: excused
Groningen: Myroslav
Stochholm: -
Uppsala: Pawel
Giessen: Hans
GSI: -
'Shaping time vs. pile-up' studies (Malte):
There seems to be something odd in the simulations done:
Rising time too steep (2 samples only) compared to real preamp pulses after shaper (2-3 times as much samples), Malte will look into it
As the tendering process for the ADC manufacturing is done in some days we need to come to a decision concerning the shaping time for the forward endcap ADC boards.
It was decided to repeat Maltes simulations including real noise and meet again on Friday (March, 3rd) to come to a decision.
On the Friday meeting we decided for the 2nd highest shaping time resulting in a pile-up probability of about 10% at 50 kHz single crystal rate as expected in the early PANDA-years.
At full luminosity the ADC boards may be modified to the second shortest shaping time considered that will give 25 % pile-up events at 500 kHz.
If necessary the modification could be done by hand. However, Pawel will look for a possibility for automated replacement.