Minutes of the forward endcap EMC eZuce SRN meeting, 16th of January 2017, 14:00-14:45
Basel: Werner
Bochum: Cathrina, Claudius, Fritz-Herbert, Matthias, Malte, Miriam, Tom, Tobias H., Tobias T.
Bonn: Christoph, Merlin, Matthias and more...
Groningen: Myroslav
Stochholm: -
Uppsala: excused
Giessen: -
GSI: -
VPTT Subunit Production Preparation:
For B-field screening only the tubes in BO currently under 1000 V gain measurement missing (plus preseries ZG-versions...)
BO gain measurements finishing next week
As soon as we have enough VPTTs fully screened to equipp all VPTT, Merlin will do the crystal-tube assignment and subunit grouping
Werner has all remaining preamps (high gain - 0.9 V/pC) manufactured and tested, delivery at next chance (someone going to Germany anyway...)
In order to start subunit manufacturing already "now", Merlin will prepare a sorting for a 'mean' subunit to start with (it turned out that there is no subunit not needing all three preamp types (gain) and the high gain versions are still in Basel - asked Werner for 16 pieces to be send to BO)
For supply of I2C components on the distributor boards an LDO regulator supplied by the +6V preamp supply line is foreseen
It has to be checked that there will be no noise introduction to the preamp circuitry
The annealing LEDs have been checked to not compromise the noise performance of VPTT channels (different scenarios tested: open wires to LED, power supply connected to LED, switched on/off etc.)
Discussion of annealing LED supply:
Individual, parallel connected I2C switched LEDs - too much circuitry, risk of I2C failure with the result of continously turned on LEDs
Series supply of all LEDs in a subunit (16 pieces) - needs external supply, additional cabling to the outside, full control over safe turning off the supply
2000 SHV connectors arrived at Bonn, 60 km of SHV cables will be delivered to Bonn in a month