Minutes of the forward endcap EMC eZuce SRN meeting, 16th of January 2017, 14:00-14:45


  • Basel: Werner
  • Bochum: Cathrina, Claudius, Fritz-Herbert, Matthias, Malte, Miriam, Tom, Tobias H., Tobias T.
  • Bonn: Christoph, Merlin, Matthias and more...
  • Groningen: Myroslav
  • Stochholm: -
  • Uppsala: excused
  • Giessen: -
  • GSI: -

VPTT Subunit Production Preparation:

  • For B-field screening only the tubes in BO currently under 1000 V gain measurement missing (plus preseries ZG-versions...)
  • BO gain measurements finishing next week
  • As soon as we have enough VPTTs fully screened to equipp all VPTT, Merlin will do the crystal-tube assignment and subunit grouping
  • Werner has all remaining preamps (high gain - 0.9 V/pC) manufactured and tested, delivery at next chance (someone going to Germany anyway...)
  • In order to start subunit manufacturing already "now", Merlin will prepare a sorting for a 'mean' subunit to start with (it turned out that there is no subunit not needing all three preamp types (gain) and the high gain versions are still in Basel - asked Werner for 16 pieces to be send to BO)

Annealing LED and I2C power supply:

  • For supply of I2C components on the distributor boards an LDO regulator supplied by the +6V preamp supply line is foreseen
    • It has to be checked that there will be no noise introduction to the preamp circuitry
  • The annealing LEDs have been checked to not compromise the noise performance of VPTT channels (different scenarios tested: open wires to LED, power supply connected to LED, switched on/off etc.)
  • Discussion of annealing LED supply:
    • Individual, parallel connected I2C switched LEDs - too much circuitry, risk of I2C failure with the result of continously turned on LEDs
    • Series supply of all LEDs in a subunit (16 pieces) - needs external supply, additional cabling to the outside, full control over safe turning off the supply


  • 2000 SHV connectors arrived at Bonn, 60 km of SHV cables will be delivered to Bonn in a month

-- ThomasHeld - 17 Jan 2017

Topic revision: r3 - 2017-01-31, ThomasHeld
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