Minutes of the forward endcap EMC SeeVogh meeting, 1st of February 2016, 14:00-15:00


  • Basel: Werner
  • Bochum: Fritz-Herbert, Malte, Matthias, Tom
  • Bonn: Christoph, Ulrike
  • Groningen: Myroslav
  • Stockholm: Karoly, Markus
  • Uppsala: -
  • GSI: -

'Bonn' VPTT subunit:

  • The VPTT subunit for the Bonn colleagues is finished and tested
  • Transport is arranged for Thursday noon this week by Werner Meyer
  • Weiberfastnacht may delay delivery to HISKP by one day (to be checked with Werner Meyer)

Basel preamp modification:

  • Werner achieved a major improvement concerning preamp stability by adding a capacitor between the inputs of the operational amplifier in the preamp circuit
  • Preamp susceptibility to oscillation at low temperaturesis reduced, ringing (with oscillation frequency) in rising edge of output signal is removed
  • Four test pieces have been sent to Bochum (arrived on February, 2nd)
  • Test pieces equipped with 2.7 pF gain determining capacitors, resulting in lower preamp gain than expected to be neccessary for stability, allowing us to operate APDs at high gain (~200) as originally intended (need to check/estimate this prior to order preamps for new APD subunit)

Read out:

  • Myroslav visited Giessen again: There are four TRBs bought by the Dueren group that will presumably not be used before summer - probably we can borrow one
  • If so, Myroslav will come to Bochum to set up the system

Stockholm group:

  • Markus Preston introduced himself and the work going on in Stockholm:
  • There is an ADC board w/ Virtex 6 FPGA and full analog shaping (high pass, low pass) and a TRB board from KVI in order to test feature extraction on the FPGA
  • There are two LaBr crystals mocking up 'cold' PWO pulses (how precise is the similarity in risetime?)


  • Almost all Swagelok hoses for cooling connection arrived
  • KVI production of distributor 'bones' may be possible

- ThomasHeld - 02 Feb 2016
Topic revision: r2 - 2016-02-02, ThomasHeld
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