Minutes of the forward endcap EMC SeeVogh meeting, 9th of November 2015, 14:00-15:00


  • Basel: Werner
  • Bochum: Cathrina, Claudius, Fritz-Herbert, Matthias, Malte, Marvin, Miriam, Patrick, Stephan, Tobias H., Tobias T., Tom
  • Bonn: Christoph
  • Groningen: Myroslav
  • Uppsala: -
  • GSI: -
  • Mainz: David


  • Tests with shrinking tube around the crystal cover foils in order to firmly press it to the crystal surface not very promising
  • Problem is the chamfer on all crystal edges: The foil will be pressed to the edges and is never touching the surfaces, regardless of how hard you shrink or wrap (tried also tape...)
  • Backward endcap colleagues are going to test crystal covers including the chamfers in the crystal cover shape
  • Is it possible to precisely fold those covers without braking the foil at the edges?
  • Is the precision of the covers good enough?
  • The tolerances of the chamfers are stated to be quite high ('please add the values here!')
  • Mainz will try to get first prototypes of 'chamfered covers' until the December meeting
  • While re-equipping the crystals in the VPTT unit prepared to be shipped to Bonn we lost two valve-crystal connections!
  • There is no idea where it comes from. We will modify the cleaning procedure prior to glueing by changing the cleaning solvent to the specially recommended Dow Corning fluid
  • As with the APD unit the broken coupling is always the glue-crystal connection

  • There are two ADC+digitizer units available to be delivered to Giessen and Mainz
  • However, they will be needed in Giessen first for the preparation of the MAMI beamtime in December
  • Bonn workshop can manufacture the ADC crates, financing has to be clarified

-- ThomasHeld - 10 Nov 2015
Topic revision: r1 - 2015-11-10, ThomasHeld
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