Minutes of the forward endcap EMC meeting, 10th of Novemberr 2014, SeeVogh, 14:00-15:00
Topics are not in the order of discussion, but by subject.
- Basel: excused
- Bochum: Claudius, Fritz-Herbert, Mario, Miriam, Patrick, Stephan, Tobias H., Tobias T., Tom
- Bonn: Christoph, Ulrike
- Groningen: Myroslav
- Uppsala: -
- Christoph: new test module with shaper is ready and will be sent to Bochum next Wednesday.
- Myroslav: Newest ADC received from Pawel last week. Will take a few weeks for software/testing etc.
- Christoph: Quotes available. Order signal cables (16 weeks production time), order HV cable (delivery week 7/2015)
- Christoph: low voltage: examples to RUB. HV cables for VPTT will be ordered, HV for APD rated 300 V.
- Fritz-Herbert: Cables for alveole should be ordered, such that VPTT alveole mass production starts latest in January.
- Myroslav: RUB got all swagelok connectors from KVI. Action: Rick will sent a list with all required types (and order numbers) in the next few days.
- Christoph, Tom: Action: Inserts, mount plates and alveoli can be transported to Bochum by car (driver from Bonn University) whenever possible.
- Myroslav on crate design: New ADC has components on both sides. Will work on how to cool in the next few weeks.
- Claudius: Depth of crates? Myroslav: 10cm = height of ADC module, additional space for backplate and connector. Rest available for cables.
- Myroslav: Hydraulic pads for endcap are in principle commercially available. No detailed design was done by Michel.
- Christoph: More measurements of VPTTs@0.99T, theta=0 and HV=1000V performed. Reduction of gain due to mag. field to about factor 0.4-0.5. 30 VPTTs measured/week. Action: Christoph will sent around results after next measurements (Due date: next Tuesday). After that will do final decision on preamp gain for VPTTs.
- Ulrike: What is the status of the APDlab measurements? Do we need to irradiate all APDs? Fritz-Herbert: Please ask Andrea about details.
- Rauischholzhausen attendance: Myroslav possibly, Bonn: Andrew, Christoph, Bochum: Tom, Claudius, Patrick, Tobias T., Tobias H. , Fritz-Herbert
FritzHerbertHeinsius - 11 Nov 2014