Racks close to detector

  • Rack for forward endcap EMC on left side target spectrometer:

  • Rack for forward endcap EMC on right side of target spectrometer:

HV patch panel

Towards magnet front solenoid ducts: 980 times Huber+Suhner Enviroflex_178 coaxial cable, Outer diameter 1.8 mm, Total cross section 52 cm^2 http://www.hubersuhner.com/ProdDet/4503104

Voltages: 1000 V and less than 500 V.

Size of patch panel: tbd.

Routed to service area E10: 1000 coaxial cables. Total cross section 400 cm^2

LV for preamplifier

Wiener PL512, 230 V 3.6 kW (PBN512 - 3U RASO 19“ power bin for rack mounting, PBX512 - EX Power Box with Display, 6 x MDH 2-8 V dual power modules +/-30A per channel)

Towards magnet/detector:

54 (?) times Ölfeld FD90CY 0026651 superfine copper-strand, Outer diameter 9.7 mm, Total cross section: 82 cm^2

Voltages: +6V, GND, -6V, GND.

LV for SADCs

2 Crates Wiener PL508, 230 V 10 kW each, one with 12 V 8 channels and second 12 V 3 channels.

Towards magnet/detector: 22 (?) times Ölfeld (?), Outer diameter 17.1 mm, Total cross section: 102 cm^2

LV for THMP and lightpulser


Patch panel? 496 fires, 2mm? directly routed to E10?

DCS can bus, ethernet


  • Questions to be answered:
Any info about the characteristics of your electronics system (crates, boards, controllers, power supplys) these racks must host is useful. In particular, power requirements, operational voltages and currents, number of units, any cooling requirements, any other requirements.

Also, please send us info on the cables entering and leaving your system, that is cable cross sections, connector types, any other detail.

Racks in services

7 ISEG HV ECH33/44 (?) each 8U

-- FritzHerbertHeinsius - 01 Feb 2016
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
target_spektrometer_left.jpgjpg target_spektrometer_left.jpg manage 2 MB 2016-02-02 - 16:54 FritzHerbertHeinsius Rack for forward endcap EMC on left side target spectrometer
target_spektrometer_right.jpgjpg target_spektrometer_right.jpg manage 2 MB 2016-02-02 - 16:59 FritzHerbertHeinsius Rack for forward endcap EMC on right side of target spectrometer
Topic revision: r3 - 2016-02-15, FritzHerbertHeinsius
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