Cooling Plant
Definition of the cooling plant of the Barrel EMC. Preliminary version to show the concept. Authors: P. Rosier, C. Le Galliard, January 2011:
link to EDMS (EDMS account required)
Definition of the chiller of the cooling plant (P. Rosier) Jan. 2014
Prototype Cooling
A prototype cooling system for the forward endcap and one barrel slice was developed at IPN Orsay. Currently (2016) it is located at the Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum.
Environmental conditions in the PANDA hall (as of 2021)
H0417A.E10.200 (beam area)
- Temperature: min. 20°C, max.26°C
- Rel.humidity: min. 30 % rel. H., max. 40 %rel. H
- Maximum dew point 11.5°C
H0417A.E10.201 (set up area)
- Temperature: min. 20°C, max.26°C
- Rel.humidity: min. n/a, max. 70 %rel. H
General Parameters for the Cooling
Calculation of required cooling power from the flow and temperature difference:
Barrel EMC
Thermal Load (E-Mail Thorsten Erlen 18.2.22)
- Total 6000 W with temperature difference of 0.7 K (at 12 l/min per slice)
- And in addition about 1000 W per slice from backplane electronics in support beam
- Per slice: flow 12-15 l/min main and 1-5 l/min front cooling (and back flow through support beam)
- Total flow 320 l/min (= 11 kW @0.7 degrees)
- Estimation of 16000 W for barrel @ delta T = 1K
Forward Endcap EMC
Thermal Load (E-Mail Sebastian Coen 18.2.22)
- Total 2459 W
- 2315 W main cooling (APD modules 633 W, VPTT modules 119 W, insulation 156 W, cable feedthroughs 1407 W (+25 degree outside temperature))
- 64 W side cooling
- 80 W front cooling
- With temperature difference of 1 K resulting in a flow of 50.5 l/min. --> 60 l/min
Backward Endcap EMC
Thermal Load (Presentation 8.6.2017)
Design requirements for the Cooling Machine
- Total flow: 25 m^3/h
- Total cooling power: 100 kW
- Thermal load detectors: 16 kW + 3000 W + 300 W = 20 kW
- Thermal load heat regulation for 25 m^3 and 2 K difference: 40 kW
- Thermal loss due to pump, cooling circuits, etc. (1.8 K): 37 kW
- Temperature: -30 ºC
- Pressure drop in heat exchanger: less than 1 bar
FritzHerbertHeinsius - 23 Feb 2022