Forward endcap prototype (cold volume)

The following table contains information on the cables/plugs used for the connections to the preamplifiers inside the Proto192. Namely these are the low and high voltage, as well as the signal cables.

(D:; RS:; F:
Type Wire cross section Outer diameter (cable) Plug type Order No. Notes
High Voltage 0.34mm² 1.6mm crimped barrel (Molex Micro-Fit series) D: 128028 color: red; cable type: AWG22/UL1569
High Voltage GND 0.34mm² 1.6mm crimped barrel (Molex Micro-Fit series) D: 128029 color: black; cable type: AWG22/UL1569
Low Voltage +6V 0.129mm² 0.405mm HARWIN - M80-9160099 F: 872-9301 color: red
Low Voltage -6V 0.129mm² 0.405mm HARWIN - M80-9160099 F: 872-9301 color: blue
Low Voltage GND 0.129mm² 0.405mm HARWIN - M80-9160099 F: 872-9301 color: black
Signal 0.051mm² 1.37mm Hirose (HRS) U.FL-LP-088 F: 168-8075 50Ω impedance
On the side of the preamplifier, all cables are soldered directly onto the preamp PCB. The length of the cables is about ??cm for each single cable.

Once mounted into a subunit the low- and high-voltage cables from all preamp/photodetector units are grouped and fed to 2 (HV) or 3 (LV) plugs for a fully equipped 16-crystals subunit.

The following table shows information on the plugs/jacks used at the end of the grouped cables as well as on the HV/LV distribution PCB inside the Proto192.

Type Number of pins Plug type Order No. Notes
High Voltage (jack at end of grouped cables) 16 Molex Mikro-Fit RS: 237-3603 max. rating: 250V@5A
High Voltage (plug, mounted to PCB 16 Molex Mikro-Fit RS: 422-7439  
Low Voltage (jack at end of grouped cables) 16 HARWIN - M80-8881605 RS: 511-721  
Low Voltage (plug, mounted to PCB) 16 HARWIN - M80-6661642 F: 151-7364 max. rating: 120V@3A
Signal (jack, mounted to PCB) 1+shielding(GND) HRS (HIROSE) - U.FL-R-SMT F: 390-8021 50Ω impedance
-- MalteAlbrecht - 18 Apr 2013

Forward end cap


Type Wire cross section Outer diameter (cable) Length Plug type Order No. Notes Status
Low voltage AWG28   17 cm     color r/s/b new crimping/connecter needed
High voltage AWG22   20 cm Molex microfit gold   color r/b/s

need thinner and flexible cable

(for APD)

Signal 0.051mm² 1.37mm   Hirose (HRS) U.FL-LP-088 F: 168-8075 50Ω impedance, marked with heat shrink tube available
Temp.-sensor       PCB connector     available
Ground     7 cm ? Whole     order

Alveole Distribution PCB

Connectors from Alveole cable: PCB tested in test beam (Aug 2014).

HV distribution: VPTT groups of 4 neighbouring. APD each half Alveole 2 HV with each crystal 2 HV.

Type Number of pins Plug type Order No. Notes

Cable Cold-Warm

Sensor cable: flat cable (xx wires), PCB from cold to warm. Expected length for 268 cables from PCB to THMP: 404 m + 19 m (cables of 4 spare alveoles)

Signal cable: Nexans Filotex 50VMTX coaxial cable with a diameter of 1.17mm. Expected length for 6896 cables from PCB to SADC: 10922 m + 632 m (cables of 4 spare alveoles)

calculate heat load.

connection signal cable to ADC crate?

High voltage: PCB and Enviroflex178 AWG30 cable, 1.8mm (962 cables). Expected length for 962 cables from PCB to electronic space cable feedthrough: 2921 m + 86 m (cables of 4 spare alveoles)

Low voltage: PCB or copper bars (check heat transfer!), sense wires

Endcap to outside magnet

High voltage: Enviroflex178 AWG30 cable, 1.8mm (962 cables). Expected length for 962 cables from electronic space cable feedthrough to HV-crates: 962 * HV-crate distance [m] + 160 m (cables of 4 spare alveoles). (with a hypothetical value of 10 m: 9620 m )

Low voltage preamplifier (+6V,-6V,ground): SILI-S6.0, 54A, 6.2mm siam. (3x8 cables)

Low voltage ADC: as above or SILI-S 16, 100 A, 10.5mm siam. (2x6 cables)

DCS: CANbus, LV, HV for light pulser

Fibres: optical links for 250 ADCs (500 links)

PANDA to services

Optical links




-- FritzHerbertHeinsius - 15 Aug 2014

Huber+Suner 640 m (bp) + 947 m (m) + 9620 m (hv) + 1334 m (+hv) + 126 m (s) = 12667 m (maßgeblich abhängig von der Entfernung der HV-Crates)
Flachband 175 (bp) + 229 m (e) + 19 m (s) = 423 m
Filotex 4275 m (bp) + 6647 m (e) + 632 m (s) = 11554 m
LV noch zu bestimmen (abhängig von der Kabelsorte bzw. Kabelaufteilung)

bp = Kabel auf der Backplate
e = Kabel zwischen Backplate und Elektronik
m = Kabel zwischen Backplate und Herausführung zum Magneten
hv = Kabel von der Herausführung zum Magneten bis zu den HV-Crates
+hv = Zusatzkabellänge bei einseitiger HV-Crateposition
s = Kabel für 4 Spare APD-Alveolen

Settings for Nitronic ST215 Coaxial Cable Stripping Machine

U.FL signal cables:
  • Cutting the outer plastic coating:
    • Set the diameter wheel (silver rotating scale) to 1.1 mm
    • Set the cutting length on the upper wheel while watching the red stop piece's position relative to the linear scale. Set it to 7 mm.
    • Set the centering (black rotating scale) to 1.4 mm
  • Cutting the shielding:
    • Set the diameter wheel (silver rotating scale) to 0.8 mm
    • Set the cutting length on the upper wheel while watching the red stop piece's position relative to the linear scale. Set it to 5 mm.
    • Set the centering (black rotating scale) to 1.4 mm (Yes, this is the same setting as for cutting the outer plastic coating!)
  • Cutting the dielectric:
    • Set the diameter wheel (silver rotating scale) to 0.25 mm
    • Set the cutting length on the upper wheel while watching the red stop piece's position relative to the linear scale. Set it to 3 mm.
    • Set the centering (black rotating scale) to 1.2 mm
  • Always set cutting length after setting of cutting diameter, as its setting alters the stop piece position!

-- ThomasHeld - 17 Jan 2017
Topic revision: r8 - 2017-01-17, ThomasHeld
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