Getting started with EPICS using StreamDevice
For our applications we are using the StreamDevice module, Asyn driver and the sequencer.
StreamDevice is a generic EPICS module, which supports sending and receiving strings via the serial port or ethernet using the Asyn driver for low-level support.
Before going any further into detail there are many helpful documentations on EPICS and the particular modules on the web:
Since we are running
Scientific Linux 6 on our PCs with an x86_64 architecture, this guide is written for such a system. Some commands or routines could differ using another OS.
Building an EPICS Application
Creating all necessary Files
This section shows you how to build a new EPICS application using the StreamDevice module called "
First of all, you have to create a new directory for your application. In this case, the directory has the same name as the application:
After creating the directory the following commands have to be performed:
$ mkdir TEST
$ cd TEST
If you are using a Bourne Shell you have to use
export EPICS_HOST_ARCH=`/path/to/EpicsBase/startup/`
instead of the
These commands create all necessary directories and files.
If you use
-t example
instead of
-t ioc
in the last command you will also have some example files for the sequencer and EPICS database setup.
Adding modules to your IOC
Using different modules you have to modify
Depending on what modules you are using, add these lines after the comment "
# TEST.dbd will be made up from these files:
TEST_DBD += base.dbd
TEST_DBD += stream.dbd
TEST_DBD += asyn.dbd
TEST_DBD += drvAsynSerialPort.dbd
Add the following lines beneath the "
# Build the IOC support library
" comment:
TEST_LIBS += stream
TEST_LIBS += asyn
Last but not least the file
has to be amended by the lines
Is everything done, you can build your application:
[user@host]# make
[user@host]# chmod u+x iocBoot/iocTEST/st.cmd
The file
is the startup script of the EPICS application. In the following sections there are some lines, which have to be added to this file.
As already mentioned, we are using the StreamDevice module. The functions for this module are defined in a protocol file (c.f.
section 3).
In principle there is no rule or something like this, where to store this file, because one has to set the EPICS environment variable
to the path where the protocol file is located.
Before you can start your application you have to write your database (
section 2) and
your protocol file (
section 3) . Also you have to configure the port of your device (
section 4).
In the database the records of an EPICS application are defined.
Most commonly the database is located in the subdirectory
of the application.
An overview of all records and their fields can be found on the
Record Reference Manual
All records must have unique names within the whole LAN which should match the
naming convention.
One can use macros in the names which are indicated by a dollar sign and encircled by brackets (e.g.
as a
variable for the Subsystem). Moreover every channel or task should be readout or set by its own record.
As an example the following record reads out the configuration of the I-7565 USB/CAN Converter
record (stringin, "PANDA:$(subsys):$(sector):USBCAN$(P):readConfig") {
field(DTYP, "stream")
field(INP, "@USBCAN.proto ReadConfiguration USBCAN$(P)")
field(PINI, "YES")
In the first line the type of the record (
: a record which expect a string as input) and the name are defined.
Here macros for the subsystem, the sector and the device id are used. The appropriate values are assigned to the variables
- when loading the database with the command
dbLoadRecords("db/dbUSBCAN.db", "subsys=FEMC, sector=PROTO192, P=1")
- or using a database template. In this case the command would be
dbLoadTemplate "db/thmp.substitutions"
The command can be written to the startup script, so that the database is loaded when EPICS get started.
The second line defines the device type (DTYP) which is in our case
, so that we can use the protocol files of
The input field (
) links to the function
of the protocol file
using the port
In the last line the "Process at Initialization" is set, which means the record will be executed with the start of EPICS.
- dbUSBCAN.db: Database for the I-7565 USB/CAN Converter application
Protocol File
The protocol file is used to define the protocols for StreamDevice. There are some global variables such as
(Termination of send or received strings) and functions that are possible.
An example for a protocol is
ReadConfiguration {
out "S";
in "!%s";
First comes the name of the protocol. Like the PV names, the protocol name must be unique and is case sensitive.
The second line defines an output string, a capitel S.
In the third line is an input-string defined. This string starts with a
followed by an arbitrary string (
), which is
written to the VAL field of the record, calling this function.
Please refer to the aforesaid
StreamDevice doumentation for more
information on the complete features of StreamDevice.
- USBCAN.proto: Protocol file for the I-7565 USB/CAN Converter application
Configuring the Asyn Driver
The Asyn Driver should be configured inside the startup script of EPICS, so that the ports are loaded directly.
Asyn is a driver for low level communication using either the serial port or ethernet.
In case of the I-7565 USB/CAN Converter the configuration for the serial port look like this:
asynSetOption ("USBCAN1", 0, "baud", "921600")
asynSetOption ("USBCAN1", 0, "bits", "8")
asynSetOption ("USBCAN1", 0, "parity", "none")
asynSetOption ("USBCAN1", 0, "stop", "1")
asynSetOption ("USBCAN1", 0, "clocal", "N")
asynSetOption ("USBCAN1", 0, "crtscts", "N")
is the name of this port and
the address. Unfortunately the option
of Asyn doesn't work for
baudrates higher than 200 kbaud, so that one has to make sure the correct baudrate is configured by the driver of the OS.
A full documentation of the Asyn Driver can be found
- st.cmd: Startup script for the I-7565 USB/CAN Converter application
For further questions and suggestions please contact