record(ai, "Variable name"){
field(DESC, "Description of the variable")
field(PREC, "Measurement precision")
field(EGU, "Measurement units")
field(VAL, "Value of variable")
field(SCAN, "Update rate")
field(HIHI, "Alarm maximum")
field(LOLO, "Alarm minimum")
field(HIGH, "Warn Maximum")
field(LOW, "Warn minimum")
field(HOPR, "Maximum range")
field(LOPR, "Minimum range")
record(ai, "PANDA:DIPOL:COIL:C1:T_R"){
field(DESC, "Dipole coil temperature")
field(PREC, "3")
field(EGU, "Degrees Celsius")
field(VAL, "35")
field(SCAN, "1 second")
field(HIHI, "50")
field(LOLO, "10")
field(HIGH, "40")
field(LOW, "15")
field(HOPR, "60")
field(LOPR, "0")
where C1 denotes that this is the first channel, replaced with C2 , C3 , and C4 for the others, respectively.