QDC V862 from CAEN
The special input cable holds 32 signal lines and 32 individual gates for these signals. The channels increase at the ECL plug from down 1 to 32, the last 2 beeing ground.
- Signals: From the test stand the negative signal is fed in a 2 pair ECL cable (geometry, not electrical standard) and plugged in the ECL plug with the first 32 channels. There is an arrow on the plug, which normally indicates channel 0. This arrow side needs positive voltage, the other side negative voltage (signal).
- Individual gates: The individual gates enter the second 32 channels. Here, the arrow side needs negative voltage.
- Common gate: This is also applicable to an above positioned Lemo plug.
- RST Reset line: If it is not plugged in: it works. If it is right plugged in (positive) left: it works. If it is wrong plugged in: data are not taken and the error message of DREADY appears.
CarstenSchwarz - 31 Jan 2006