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Results from Tagpid web retrieved at 18:29 (Local)

Agenda of the 16th EVOmeeting, GSI, 20.06.2008 * "Final report of the PID TAG", Introduction Georg Schepers * discussion about concepts, way of writing and co...
Agenda of the 20th EVOmeeting, GSI, 22.08.2008 * discussion about the Draft Version 0.6 * title of the report * what is still missing * the Cherencov li...
TAG PID: Global PID Requirements * Subject 1. Requirements from physics 2. Evaluate potential of each subsystem 3. Matching of systems * Deliv...
* DIRC TAG second meeting.ppt: Introduction talk by Georg Schepers Main.GeorgSchepers 14 Jun 2006
Main.GeorgSchepers 17 Mar 2006 * DIRC TAG Inauguration.ppt: Introduction talk for the first PIDTAG meeting
PANDA Technical Assessment Group PID * C. Schwarz, G. Schepers, Co Chairs * B. Kopf BarrelCalorimeter * R. Kaiser / G. Rosner / I. Lehmann CherenkovCo...
3. PID TAG Meeting (Vienna, 4.09.2006) Agenda * Introduction, Georg Schepers DIRC PIDTAG third meeting Vienna040906.ppt * Up date of the Status of the Muon Co...
Agenda of the 6th meeting, GSI, 11.12.2007 * short introduction, Georg Schepers including: * PID with a ToF detector, Aida Galoyan * rpc1.ppt: RP...
Agenda of the 10th meeting, Ferrara, 08.09.2008 * Introduction (G. Schepers) * presentation of the report * Report Draft 0.9 * new missing conte...
9. PID TAG VRVS Meeting (13.7.2007) Agenda * Introduction, Georg Schepers, Intro pidtag9_13.07.07.ppt * Endcap detectors * PID Magnet Design ...
Welcome to the home of Panda Wiki.Tagpid. This is a web based collaboration area for the PANDA PID TAG FINAL REPORT * PID TAG Final Report.pdf: *"PID TA...
May 2006 111 0 0 28 WebHome 6 TasksandResults 5 MuonCounter 5 ForwardCherenkov 5 TpC 3 VrvsMeeting02 3 BarrelDir...
Number of topics: 12
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