Backlinks to BaBar in all Webs (Search PANDAMainz Web only)

Results from PANDAMainz web retrieved at 20:05 (Local)

* Topic I: PANDARoot and BaBar simulation comparison Talk by Mamen, Talk by Dmitry * The result seems reasonablly consistent. * However, with 250 MeV...
* Topic I: Physics session by Frank * Frank gave a talk on the EM form factor. The cross symmetry in the quantum field theory and the physical meaning of G_...
Mamen: EmcStudies190210.pdf tried to read dead material distribution from the presentation of Thomas, where only a theta phi distribution is available. The unce...
* EMC Studies * Mamen and Dmitry will compare their results with the same parameters used in BaBar's simulation. This will clearify the long standing uncert...
* Dmitry's contribution: * lab2cm.eps geometrical acceptance of some panda detectors in the pbarp cm farme updated 27.06.2014 * emc_cluster_size_p3.3.ep...
* Kolloquium zur Bachelorarbeit * Pascal Lautz:* Vorarbeiten zur Entwicklung eines Datenaufnahmealgorithmus' für einen Prototypen der Rückwärtsendkappe des ...
Statistics for PANDAMainz Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and upload...
Number of topics: 7

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