Backlinks to Meetings in all Webs (Search Magnet Web only)

Results from Magnet web retrieved at 03:20 (Local)

You are on: PANDA Wiki ** Intro PANDA Magnets Overview Appropriate magnetic fields are the prerequisite of any momentum reconstruction and subseq...
Magnet : Meetings : Magnet0709 Meeting of the Magnet Group, Sept. 2008, GSI Agenda * Lars Schmidt: "Considerations on the Magnet Design" * Evgeny Ko...
Magnet : Meetings : Magnet071211 Agenda * Discussion on common key volumes for the solenoid construction based on the following document: * Tal...
Magnet : Meetings : Magnet080124 Magnet Meeting 24/01/2008 via EVO Agenda One sole topic was on the agenda. The possible change of geometry for the cry...
Magnet : Meetings : Magnet080305 Magnet Meeting at GSI 5/3/2008 Minutes * MagMins.08.03.05.pdf: Minutes of the Magnet Meeting 5/3/2008 Presentations...
Magnet : Meetings : Magnet080611 EVO Meeting dedicated to the Creation of a Field Map Agenda * Yuri: Status of the yoke design 5 mi...
Magnet : Meetings : Magnet080624 Magnet Meeting at Krakow 14:00 16:00 CET Tue 24/06/2008 probably in room 230 Topics for discussion * Fixing interfac...
Magnet : Meetings : Magnet080909 Magnet Group Meeting, Ferrara, 9 September 2008 Agenda * Minutes of last meeting * Yuri Lobanov: Current Status o...
Magnet : Meetings : Magnet090303 Magnet Meeting 3 March 2009 at GSI Anticipated Topics * Stresses on the cryostat * Solenoid support, movement and...
You are on: PANDA Wiki * * Meetings Magnet090616 ; Magnet Group Meeting at Torino 16/06/2009 Proposed Topics * Muon filter design * Detailed cryo...
Magnet : Magnet091107 Magnet Discussion Meeting GSI, 4.161 4.140 Thursday 8th Friday 9th October 2007 1) Attendance Present for whole meeting: Andrea...
Magnet : Magnet190709 Magnet Discussion Meeting GSI, C26.1.014 Wednesday 19th September 2007 1) Attendance Present: Andrea Bersani (Genova), Evie Downie ...
Magnet : Meetings : Magnet071211 : MagnetMinutes071211 Magnet Discussion Meeting GSI, SB3 3.170 Tuesday 11th December 2007 1) Attendance Present: ...
Magnet : MinutesMTB0709 This has been moved to Magnet0709 __________________ Magnet : MinutesMTB0709 Created by Main.IntiLehmann 18 Sep 2007
You are on: PANDA Wiki Magnet ; Magnet Group of PANDA This is the site of the Magnet Group of PANDA. We are responsible for the design, construction and comm...
Statistics for Magnet Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: ...
Number of topics: 16

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