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Results from Cerenkov web retrieved at 01:45 (Local)

FocussingLightguide Optimisation routine for lightguide coefficients End of June 2006 I have asked our Edinburgh workshop to build two of the lightguides as...
A new concept for the PANDA Endcap DIRC was proposed by the Giessen group in June 2006, incorporating both the time of propagation (TOP) technique and a chromati...
Welcome to the home of Panda Wiki.Cerenkov. This is a web based collaboration area for the members of the Cerenkov group of the PANDA collaboration Panda Cheren...
May 2006 58 0 0 30 WebHome 10 TimelinesandNames 2 ResearchAndDevelopment 2 ItemsAndTasks 1 DesignItems 1 TransmissionCu...
Number of topics: 4

Results from Cerenkov/Pandacerenkov web retrieved at 01:45 (Local)

FocussingLightguide Optimisation routine for lightguide coefficients End of June 2006 I have asked our Edinburgh workshop to build two of the lightguides as...
Number of topics: 1
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