Children of TasksandResults in Tagpid Web

Results from Tagpid web retrieved at 06:36 (Local)

Main.RainerNovotny 26 Apr 2006 Possibilities of the EM Calorimeter to contribute to PID The EM Calorimeter, based on PWO crystals, provides in case of optimum re...
Purpose the DIRC provides * a positive kaon identification * a destinction of gammas and relativistic charged particles entering the EMC behind him Workin...
Barrel Time of Flight Aida Goloyan provided a parametrization for the Time of Flight measurment with the barrel tof: * TOF_galoyan.ppt: Parametrization for Bar...
Trapping Fraction Barrel DIRC For the fast simulation as well as for the PID Tag the trapping fraction has been determined as a lookup table (root TH2F). Shown is...
Objectives of the Shashlyk Calorimeter * #960;/e discrimination * energy, position and time measurement TPR Layout of a Shashlyk module Number of layers ...
Just a fast guess of numbers: Disc DIRC The numbers are extracted from a calculation looking only at the optical region. The calculations include dispersion eff...
Global PID for PANDA * Global PID Talk by Bjoern Seitz, Glasgow (Presentation in the PID TAG mee...
Basic Requirements The envisaged physical program (see TPR) of PANDA requires a * hermetic detector with nearly 4pi solid angle coverage * concurrent detec...
Purpose Tracking: The TPC is discussed as a solution for the outer tracking within the target spectrometer. The required momentum resolution is ~1%, the required ...
Number of topics: 9
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