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Results from EMC web retrieved at 00:45 (Local)

Main.HansGeorgZaunick 14 Jan 2016 Coordinate system A coordinate system for labelling the crystal positions in the barrel has been established, the definition is...
Meeting schedule Every second Monday at 15:30 we have a SeeVogh meeting to discuss the status of the design and production of the Barrel EMC. The SeeVogh session ...
Cooling Plant Definition of the cooling plant of the Barrel EMC. Preliminary version to show the concept. Authors: P. Rosier, C. Le Galliard, January 2011: link t...
For the detector control system DCS the EPICS software package is used. See also the general DCS wiki Documentation The prototype software and hardware is describ...
Front end electronics Preamplifier For the barrel and backward endcap the APFEL ASIC will be used: * ApfelASIC For forward endcap a dicrete preamplifier (...
Documents for the Forward Endcap EMC Papers * Moeini et al, Design studies of the PWO Forward End cap Calorimeter for PANDA, Eur. Phys. J. A 49 (2013) 138, PD...
Forward endcap prototypes * Proto192 Drawings * ForwardEndcapEMCdrawings Forward endcap EMC rack space etc. * ForwardEndcapRacks Naming C...
Meeting schedule Every other Monday at 14:00 we have a Zoom meeting to discuss the status of the design, production, and operation of the Forward Endcap EMC. The ...
Light Yield Nonuniformity in PWO Scintillators * Masterthesis of María Marteinsdóttir, Stockholm University (2009): light uniformity MMMaster_final.pdf * Ta...
Meeting schedule Every second Friday of the month at 9:00 (Middle European Time) we have a vibe meeting to discuss software an...
PWO type II crystals Database * A database with all crystal information is hosted at the University of Giessen. Please contact Tobias Eissner for details. Li...
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Number of topics: 19
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