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Results from Cerenkov web retrieved at 19:25 (Local)

QDC V862 from CAEN Input cable for signals and individual gates The special input cable holds 32 signal lines and 32 individual gates for these signals. The chan...
Main.CarstenSchwarz 14 Oct 2007 yet another DAQ system is the c't lab project described in the attachment.
SubversionRepository login: ssh l pandadrc lxi014 cd /lynx/Lynx/aladin/usr/pandadrc/mbsrun/caen/v862 program: f_user.C Main.GeorgSchepers 31 Jan 2006
* DataAcquisition Main.CarstenSchwarz 31 Jan 2006
Startup procedure for starting the DIRC test setup DataAcquisition: login: rsh l pandadrc r3 29 cd /aladin/usr/pandadrc/mbsrun/caen/v862 mbs mbs @startup mbs ...
May 2006 58 0 0 30 WebHome 10 TimelinesandNames 2 ResearchAndDevelopment 2 ItemsAndTasks 1 DesignItems 1 TransmissionCu...
Number of topics: 6

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