First Step Instructions

This documentation briefly summarizes the first steps to setup and run PAWIAN. The easiest way to start is using one of the pre-installed versions at GSI or RUB (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) rather than installing and building PAWIAN from scratch (which is of course also possible).

Access to the pre-installed PAWIAN-Version

If you have an account for the GSI Virgo-cluster, login on "" which is the submit node for the debian 10 container. Navigate to the top-directory of the pre-installed PAWIAN version of the latest release by:

cd /lustre/panda/bkopf/PawianLatestRelease/Pawian

or if you work at EP1 at the RUB navigate to:

cd /nfs/data/duldul/bertram/PawianLatestRelease/Pawian

Here you have to set all needed environment variables by executing:

source at GSI
source SetEnv_rub at RUB

In case that you work on other machines you have to set the environment variables individually, which are:
  • environment variables for root
  • TOP_DIR: path to the top directory of PAWIAN
  • extern: path to the location of the external libraries
  • LD_LIBRARY_PATH: extension of the existing LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  • PATH: extension of PATH to include the PAWIAN bin dir
  • BOOST_BUILD_PATH: path to the boost build system
  • KMAT_DIR: path to the K-matrix configuration files
  • EVT_DIR: path to the event storage

Now everything is prepared and you can immediately start to run the applications of PAWIAN. You can for example perform a single channel benchmark fit with p̅ p toy data:

Example: PWA for p reactions

However, if you would like to install the software on your own machine, you can find the instructions right here below.

Manual Installation

If you have no access to either the GSI or EP1 at RUB infrastructure, or simply want to install PAWIAN on your own, follow the steps below.

Software Repository and Access to the Source Code

The git respository is accessible via You can view the code in the browser, or use the link at the top of the PAWIAN project page to clone the repository to your local machine. Alternatively you can also clone it by typing git clone on your machine.

External Packages

Before you can compile and link the code the following external packages must be installed:
  • ROOT
  • bjam / boost-build
  • Boost (at least version 1.48.0)
  • log4cpp (is also available via the Linux-distribution)
  • GSL (available via the Linux-distribution)
  • Minuit2
NOTE: As PAWIAN parallelizes intensity calculations on the event level, all parallelization done by any minimizer has to be turned off. To compile Minuit2 with OpenMP disabled, run the corresponding configuration script with the --disable-openmp option:

./configure --disable-openmp

You may also take a look at one of the SetEnv _* files, modify one of them to fit your needs and source it.

Some useful information and instructions about git can be found here.

Compilation and Linking

To compile and run PAWIAN some environment variables have to be set. An example is given in the file "SetEnv_rub" in the top directory as already discussed above. The "Jamroot" file most likely has to be modified to match the paths (libraries, includes) to your local environment. Used path variables like ${ROOTSYS} or ${extern} can also be defined in the site-config.jam configuration file in the boost-build directory, e.g:

${BOOST_BUILD_PATH}/site-config.jam : (example directory, create file if not existing:)

path-constant ROOTSYS :

path-constant extern :


Then you are ready for compiling and linking the code. By typing
  • "bjam" executables with debugging options will be created. These executables and the relevant libraries are then located at "subdirectory"/bin//debug/link-static/
  • "bjam release" executables with optimized performance will be created (recommended for the actual PWA). Here you can find the relevant executables in "subdirectory"/bin//release/link-static/
By typing "bjam clean" or "bjam release clean" you clean up your created executables and libraries and you can start to compile the code from scratch.

Starting an Example PWA

To test your PAWIAN installation, please have a look at the the example PWA tutorial.

This topic: PWA > WebHome > PawianPwaSoftware > FirstStepInstructions2
Topic revision: 2024-01-23, BertramKopf
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