Minutes of the forward endcap EMC eZuce SRN meeting, 4th of December 2017, 14:00-15:00


  • Basel: Werner
  • Bochum: Cathrina, Claudius, Fritz-Herbert, Malte, Matthias, Miriam, Tobias H, Tobias T., Tom
  • Bonn: Christoph, Merlin
  • Groningen: Myroslav
  • Stockholm: -
  • Uppsala: Pawel
  • Giessen: Hans, Markus
  • GSI: -

VPTT subunits already manufactured (preamp gain determination):

  • In order to cope with the uncertainties of the VPTT response measurements of the already manufactured 164 units with unknown preamp gain that were introduced by the reflective foil loosely covering the crystal in the test stand, we will repeat the measurements with the foil removed
  • Tobias showed that the reproducibility of response measurements of the units to (referenced) light pulser signals is substancially increased by this measure
  • This way we will try to improve the method of indirect preamp gain determination of the 164 units

SADC production/availability:

  • In order to be able to read out completed submodules in a dedicated test stand currently under construction we need another SADC with Forward Endcap analog shaper frontend
  • There is one such module currently in Stockholm (which was used for irradiation tests) that might be available on a short term
  • However, the first production batch is expected to arrive end of January (with 48 more each 5 weeks)
  • Higher amounts of the SADCs (including crates) are needed form begin of 2019 on (read out in Juelich)

- ThomasHeld - 22 Dec 2017
Topic revision: r1 - 2017-12-22, ThomasHeld
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