Monte Carlo simulations of the rates in the forward endcap.

Performed with DPM at 15 GeV/c momentum for 10^7 antiprotons per second.

Done by Torsten Schroeder October 2012.

Crystal position no threshold above 0 MeV above 1 MeV above 3 MeV above 10 MeV
  rate/s <E> rate/s <E> rate/s <E> rate/s <E> rate/s <E>
2nd xtal next to hole (VPTT) 10^7 4.2 MeV 1.1 10^6 35.8 MeV 533 10^3 77 MeV 330 10^3 123 MeV 210 10^3 188 MeV
highest rate APD 10^7 0.5 MeV 410 10^3 12.9 MeV 160 10^3 33 MeV 88 10^3 58 MeV 48 10^3 102 MeV

-- FritzHerbertHeinsius - 29 Aug 2014

Monte Carlo simulations of the radiation dose of APDs for the forward endcap.

Done by Bernhard Roth (RUB) Oktober 2012. Assumptions: APD of 200 um Si behind the crystals. Beam momentum of 15 GeV/c. Luminosity of 2*10^32 cm^-2s^-1. 10 half years data taking. Please note, that this is the peak luminosity. The average luminosity is a factor of 2 lower. So all values of the table below have to be divided by 2.

Theta [deg] Rate [mGy/h] Dose [Gy] APD hits [1E10]Sorted ascending
22.50 0.18 8.05 2.23
21.26 0.29 12.60 3.55
20.07 0.39 17.03 5.18
18.80 0.50 22.09 6.75
17.58 0.73 31.81 8.91
16.29 0.81 35.65 10.53
15.03 1.02 44.88 13.82
13.72 1.31 57.50 16.91
12.44 1.85 81.14 22.55
11.11 2.16 94.72 29.42
9.80 3.34 146.49 40.77
8.46 4.69 205.44 56.61
7.13 7.17 314.04 83.54
5.78 10.48 459.02 131.86

APDs are used up to theta of 14.4 degree. In the inner regions VPTT are foreseen.

Taking into account the average luminosity of 1*10^32 cm^-2s^-1 and the range of APDs from 22.5 to 14.4 degrees results in a lifetime dose of 4 Gy to 26 Gy.

For more details please check this document: bernhardDoseStudy.pdf (Radiation study by Bernhard Roth (RUB))

Monte Carlo simulations of the dose in the forward endcap (page 17), indico login required:

-- FritzHerbertHeinsius - 08 Jan 2021
Topic revision: r5 - 2021-01-08, FritzHerbertHeinsius
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