-- VladimirStepanov - 18 Oct 2021

1. Construct the default run manager and set mandatory initialization classes (done)

2. Activate UI-command base scorer. It gives an opportunity to use scoring commands (done)

3. Construct the visualization manager and initialize it (done)

4. Add interactive mode and batch mode. Run the program in interactive mode executing './tof_Detector light_guide.stl' and in batch mode executing './tof_Detector run.mac light_guide.stl' (done)

NOTE: decide if we want to use batch mode and run.mac file. If we do, add execution of scoring commands to this mode

This topic: Tof > Results > CurrentFTOFWorkStatus > PrototypeMonteCarlo > MainFrameFile
Topic revision: 2021-10-21, VladimirStepanov
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