Backlinks to VrvsMeeting06 in Tagpid Web (Search all webs)

Results from Tagpid web retrieved at 11:30 (Local)

Presentation comments: Klaus Foehl has a lot of nice performance plots for the endcap DISC. They surely should be included. Matthias Hoek can probably provide a...
Index Subject Meeting Number Background EMC DISC DIRC 27, 29 Benchmark channels 7 DIRC Trapping Fraction 23 Electron ID EMC 8, 10, 11...
May 2006 111 0 0 28 WebHome 6 TasksandResults 5 MuonCounter 5 ForwardCherenkov 5 TpC 3 VrvsMeeting02 3 BarrelDir...
Number of topics: 3
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