
- Presents the status of her work. Does it make sens the work that it is bein done? Which is the question to answer?


- Presents the studies on the radiation lenghts with Geant3 and Geant4.

- There is more tha 1 X_0 difference at some angles.

- It is due to tiny differences between Geant3 and Geant4 or it is a bug? Do a smaller binning.

- He also presents the event generator for e+e-pi0.

- What are the deffinitions of Theta and phi in the 3-body reaction? Manolo will answer this question.


- Presents his first simulations with the BW end CAP.

- Frank asks about trivial questions related with the mounting of end cap. Somebody has to take care about these things:

--- How are the inserts fixed to the mounting plate?

--- How do we make sure that the inserts are completelly in contact with the mounting plate? (thermal contact)

- There is no permanent deformation in our case, but one has to be more strict with the upper limits.


- Donghee will talk about the kalman filter.

- Mamen will talk about the Zernike Momenta.

-- MariaCarmenMoraEspi - 27 Jul 2010

This topic: PANDAMainz > WebHome > MeetingMinutes > 2010jul08
Topic revision: 2010-07-27, MariaCarmenMoraEspi
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