Children of ResearchAndDevelopment in Cerenkov Web

Results from Cerenkov web retrieved at 10:34 (Local)

* PhotonDetector * BlubBlub simulations
* RefractiveIndex * TransmissionCurves Main.CarstenSchwarz 19 May 2006
Some information on SensL GeigerAPD Please find three pictures sent by Deborah Herbert from SensL on this page. Here is the text I received from her. "What makes...
* DataAcquisition Main.CarstenSchwarz 31 Jan 2006
List of items and tasks to do for the Cerenkov R D for PANDA. Please feel free to add and change things. If you delete items you should inform the author or ever...
Main.CarstenSchwarz 16 Dec 2008 * The PCB layout: * single nino_1.pdf: Single NINO chip PCB circuit diagram * ASIC_to_MCPPMT.pdf: adhoc suggested a...
Number of topics: 6
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