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Results from Cerenkov/Pandacerenkov web retrieved at 20:24 (Local)

DesignItems * FocussingLightguide Main.KlausFoehl 05 May 2006 * GiessenDirc Main.MarkusEhrenfried 07 Jun 2006 This page is part of Pandcerenkov WebHome
FocussingLightguide Optimisation routine for lightguide coefficients End of June 2006 I have asked our Edinburgh workshop to build two of the lightguides as...
* ItemsAndTasks Main.CarstenSchwarz 14 Sep 2005
Add points to list and find answers to points: Detectors * DircBarrel * EndcapDirc * ForwardRich Points to address * Evironment requirements like te...
* ItemsAndTasks * GsiRadiatorTestStand * DataSheets Main.CarstenSchwarz 14 Sep 2005 * link to original KVI proposal Main.BjoernSeitz 25 Apr 2007
For a transverse path of 1m for Cherenkov light emitted from a particle of normal incidence in fused silica, the time difference for $\beta$=1 and $\beta$=0.99 i...
Timelines and Names Personell FTEs and actual people today and prospected to the end of 2006, obviously not enough * Cracow 0.3 FTE (1 person) * Dub...
UselessMethods While trying to find and work out a suitable design for the Cherenkov Imaging Detectors, on comes across nice ideas, but several of them do not wor...
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This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this Cerenkov/Pandacerenkov web. This is a convenient service, so you ...
Cerenkov/Pandacerenkov Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Cerenkov/Pandacerenkov web. These preferences overwrite the site level pr...
May 2006 58 0 0 30 WebHome 10 TimelinesandNames 2 ResearchAndDevelopment 2 ItemsAndTasks 1 DesignItems 1 TransmissionCu...
* MomentumRange See also the verbose WebIndex. * giessendirc_v1.0.pdf: Multi Chromatic TOP Endcap DIRC draft v1.0 by M. Düren et al.
Number of topics: 15
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