For a transverse path of 1m for Cherenkov light emitted from a particle
of normal incidence in fused silica,
the time difference for $\beta$=1 and $\beta$=0.99 is only 61ps.
However, due to dispersion both emission angle and speed of light
in the medium are a function of the wavelength.
For 300nm and 600nm photons the time difference is 0.5ns.
$ n_{group} = n_{phase} - \lambda dn_{phase}/d\lambda $

To calculate the propagation speed of the photons
inside the dispersive medium the group velocity has to be used.
The dynamic range of the corresponding group velocity refractive index
is about 3 times larger than that of the normal refractive index.
The figure shows these velocities for fused silica.
KlausFoehl - 14 Sep 2005