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Results from Magnet web retrieved at 02:01 (Local)

Magnet : DraftIntegration Draft Integration Document This was planned at the magnet discussion meeting on the 8th and 9th November 2007. All contributions ...
You are on: PANDA Wiki ** Drawings ; Drawings Here the relevant technical drawings and sketches are collected. Please use this page to upload your document...
You are on: PANDA Wiki ** Intro PANDA Magnets Overview Appropriate magnetic fields are the prerequisite of any momentum reconstruction and subseq...
You are on: PANDA Wiki ** Meetings ; Meetings of the Magnet Group Please find the talks on the PANDA meeting servers, from March 2009 onwards on Indico and ...
You are here: PANDA Wiki Magnet Members Members of the Magnet Group The group is chaired by Guenther Rosner and members should be all actively participating...
PANDA : Magnet : SuppDocs Supporting Documents for the Magnet Work This site is for uploading supporting documents, i.e. stuff that is not the output of our m...
PANDA : Magnet : TasksResponsibilities Tasks and Responsibilities The two large spectrometer magnets are built by seven groups from universities and research ...
PANDA : Magnet : Timeline Timelines The time lines are still subject to change, as the constriants from FAIR are not yet clear. Therefore the attached files ...
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Magnet Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Magnet web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ., and can be overw...
Statistics for Magnet Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: ...
See also the verbose WebIndex.
Number of topics: 15
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